On a daily basis we receive a wealth of information in regards to nutrition and weight loss. Often the source of this type of information originates from non-specialists thus false impressions are made. What are the myths and truths related to diet?
“Olive oil has fewer calories than other oils.”
Olive oil in comparison with other oils has the same caloric value as all oils are in fact fats that contain 9 calories per gram. The reason olive oil is recommended instead of other oils is due to its high nutritional value. It contains mainly monounsaturated fats, which are positive qualities for the health of the heart, and also contains vitamin C which acts as an anti-ageing and anti-cancer agent. Although olive oil is a healthy choice it should be consumed in moderation as 1 teaspoon contains 45 calories.
“Whole grain products contain fewer calories in comparison to the non-whole grain ones.”
This is a false perception as whole grains products have exactly the same calories with the difference that they provide more nutritional value. For example, a slice of brown bread has the same calories as a slice of white bread. Whole grain products provide a large amount of dietary fiber which is responsible for the health of gut.
Also, they contribute towards maintaining blood sugars in balance and they are undoubtedly richer in complex B vitamins that maintain the smooth functioning of the metabolism and nervous system.
“It’s better to consume honey and brown sugar rather than white sugar when trying to lose weight.”
Brown sugar has the same calories as white sugar. The difference is that it has a higher nutritional value and provides nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and sodium. Honey also offers more vitamins and minerals than white sugar, which is nutritionally valueless, but many are not aware that it contains more calories.
“Aspartame sweeteners are carcinogenic”
Large organizations, such as the World Health Organization, suggest that aspartame is completely safe and it is not associated in any way with carcinogenesis.
There are no good or bad foods but instead good and bad eating habits. All foods can be part of a diet as long as they are chosen correctly and consumed in moderation. Food of same groups may contain the same value in calories but certainly some contain more nutrients than others and provide vitamins and fiber important to the human body.
In general, for matters related to correct nutrition one should seek the advice of a specialist and trust only scientific studies with validity that have their sources in the researches of experts.
Yiannis Kerimis MSc RD
Clinical Dietitian